
River View Seafood Village…

*YEAY* Finally I got to dine in there, it’s the location where I used to live in there for… 17 years… My old house was on that piece of land but now it has turned to become a restaurant…

I decided to have my birthday dinner there together with my family, I can’t remember when was the last time that I actually celebrated my birthday with my family… I think most of the birthdays were spent with friends out there… Sorry to my sweet sweet friends who wanted to celebrate birthday with me, really appreciate it!!

OK, I am now officially 25 BLARDEE TWENTY FIVE YEARS OLD edi!! *Niabeh* I need a better life, I need a happier life, I need a CAREER!! And of course, my DREAMS will come true FOR SURE!!!!

Me and my popo, she is 69 years old edi, but stronger than me…

Me and my Tiramisu…

There you go, PART of the family, some gone missing here…

Introducing the 3 male-camwhores: JeHaw the SPM 12As smartie, Pin my younger-younger-twin brother, Chuen my elder-younger-twin-brother…

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