Didn’t really do much for Mother’s Day this year… Just cooked a simple dinner for the 3 mothers at home, my mommie, my dad’s mommie and my mommie’s mommie… Oh, and bought mommie a Coach handbag, thanks to WheiMeng for the troubles…
A simple dinner, BAK KUT TEH, some prawns and vegetables… Got rated 7/10… HAHAHAHHA… Not bad lar… =P
Then a Marcle Cheese Cake, INSTRUCTED by me but most of the HARD WORK done by my 2nd younger brother, Timonthy… As I was busy doing the preparations for the dinner and the cake, so I had to get him to sit there to whip the cream, to crash the biscuits… ONE MISTAKE, I didn’t ask him to do the wordings but I was SO WRONG to believe that he was good at it…
The result…
SO UGLY!!!! But luckily it got rated as 9/10!!! WOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO~!~!~!~! Not bad mar… =P
SO FULL~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~